Month: September 2012

First Step to Baby Genius


Back in the day, I remember textbooks being dull in black and white. And the teaching method was more of one way of communication. But in today’s era of 21st Century, with IT being introduced to the learning and teaching method since students now are more IT-Savy and their world is revolved around IT.


Our Y2K gen are now IY (IT Youth) as low as 6 years of age nows how to switch on a CPU, find the internet and each has a facebook account. But IT can be used to make learning and teaching methods more fun and exciting in discovering new ways. So what best way to feed brilliant minds?

Noticed this in class?


Texting due to boredom or not concentrating?


Eyes are glue to the projector but hands are texting away


Another way of wool-gathering. Students daydreaming or having short attention spam.


Sleeping or loss interest in class.


Feeling stress and having difficulty during studies


Ever felt those days like your readinf but the book is starinf at you and words are floating away?


Or catching up with late night revisions but that cuppa of hot joe ain’t working to keep you fully alert?


Hoo-hoo. Or keeping you from cringing and scribbling the paper and feeling like yoir about to break that pencil. huhu

We all felt what is was like to go through elementary school, high school, getting your diploma, advance diploma and your degree (up to Masters or PhD)
It a struggle to remember even all that. huhu. But the trick to a healthy and active mind is to feed your braincells with the right food. And that is what we got for you.


Shaklee ESP & Mealshake: Filled with vital vitamins & minerals to give you an healthy start.

Shaklee OmegaGuard; Best way to get em braincells kicking into the next gear. Helps to improve memory, promotes healthy heart, helps with bad chlostrol, lowers blood pressure etc

Shaklee OesterMatrix: Helps with PMS, Helps to relief tensioned muscles, Has Vit D for easy absorption & a strong dose of calcium for healthy bones and teeth, especially good for preganant mommies, nursing mommies, eldery and for all ages

Shaklee B-Com;
Helps to release stress and promotes better sleep.

InsyAllag with a lot of prayers, revision, well-planned and organized research on topics to study for exams and followed by commitment to Shaklee Super IQ Booster for kids will help make the teaching and learning cycle more fruitfull.


Promotes good concentration & alertness: Shaklee ESP & Mealshake


Helps relief from short-attention spam


If your child is full alert, helps with engagement with other students


And students are more enegertic.


Helps to make baby genuise in the making 🙂


Happy students = Successfull students

Please WhatsApp at +673 8660989 for prompte response

Honeycomb bones


Did you know that an average adult needs atleast 1000mg of calcium per day to maintain. And young ones need a higher dose of 1300mg per day.


But wait? We all heard of how important calcium is. But what does calcium does in our bodies?


Bones are made from collagen and non-collagen proteins. Calcium helps to maintain strong and health bones. When the body does not receive enough calcium in the blood. Then the body will force to retrieve calcium from the bones. In long-term this can cause calcium deficiency. There is no symptoms of calcium deficiency but symptopms usually arise when as we get older. Calcium deficiency can also be detected via bone mass scans and tests. If left untreated this can lead to Oestroporosis


Image of how our bones brittle among time.


Left; Healthy bones that resemble honeycomb. Right; Honeycomb with big holes caused by Ostroporosis. How to to prevent this from happening? – Increase of calcium from intake from 1000mg to 2000mg healthy resources such as; milk, cheese, yogurat etc. And Shaklee understands those needs. Shaklee has a special-blended formula to help cater your daily calcium needs. With blended of Calcium, Vitamin D and Magnesium to help suit your needs.


Did you know that Vitamin D helps the body to absorb calcium effectively? Who needs Calcium? * Pregnant Moms; – Expecting moms need to increase calcium intake as growing baby gets calcium from mommies to develop strong and healthy bones and teeth.


* Breastfeeding moms; – Nursing mothers transfer calcium to their babies in forms of breastmilk. And nursing moms need to increase calcium intake.



An image of how bones develop over time. Benefits of taking Shaklee OsterMatrix; * Helps relief PMS * Relieve joint stiffness * Promotes stronger bones * Retain normal blood pressure Never fear, now with Shaklee, feel confident that you can now wiggle your funny bone to the groove.


Dance your way to a more confident you.


To know more please WhatsApp at +673 8660989 for prompt response. * This product is not intended to dignose, treat, cure or prevent any dieases.


Secret ingredient to Momma’s Liquid Gold


Did you know that in just a single drop of breastnmilk contains atleast 1000 natural antibodies that help to build a strong defence system for baby’s immune system?


What are the ingredients to making milk production?

Interesting facts: Did you know that the female body already has milk in the breasts? Only when one is in labor (contractions) that triggers the body to prepare making milk.

Wondering how the first milk production of milk will look like?


On the left is an image of fresh coloustrum. This thick yellow milk is known for it’s natural antibodies that helps to eliminate bad bacteria and gives that extra sheild of protection for baby on the first day. Not to worry on the small quantity. It matches with the size of baby’s tummy that is the size of a marble. Amazing innit. Perfect match for size.

On the right you see is the mature milk that ones get after 4-7 days of breastfeeding. This process is known as ‘Milk-coming in’ or Mature Milk.

Interesting how the transformation of this; see image below;


To this:


Or this;


Or even this;


Now that is amazing 🙂

There is no secret ingredient to making more milk.

But understand the roots of how our milk factory works;

1) H2O: Water


Yup, a breastfeesing mom needs atleasr 2-3L of water per day. Sleeping of 8 hours (more or less) deprived your body of water. The body can live-out food. But cannot leave without water. 90% of body organs needs water to function. Drinking tea carbonated drinks and coffee cannot replace the importance of water. Because when the body lacks intake of water. The body will go into shock due to the water being stripped by other organs. And organs need water to function.




Try a healtier approach with water by replacing your morning tea with 2 glass of warm water.
Plus water is known as a natural for detoxing the body the Natural way.

2) Power-pumping


21st Century mommas are always on the super duper go,go,gooo. With work, endless meetings, reports and junggling time at home can make anyone want to pull their hair out. And not to mention the laundry and cooking.

Interestinf fact:
Did you know that if there is no stimulation by the breasts after maximum of 3 hours. Your breasts will send a signal to your brain to decrease milk production. This is because pumping / feeding is an act of Demand & Supply. If the demand increases then supply is increase. If demand has decreased then what will happen to the supply? Yes indeed, for sure supply will decrease or deplets as well.
Now what can you do to maintain or increase breastmilk?


For those who needs to use their hands more a lot during work or around the house. You can purchase Medela Freestyle + A breastpump bra bustier that helps to keep breastpumps intact while holding on to the breastshields while pumping. A great way to pump along the way.

If you cannot strech a 30 mins to 1 hour of pumping. Make sure that you fit atleast a mark of 8-12 pumping + feeding each day. Or try 15-20 mins of pumping after solat to ensure that breasts have been stinulated. Going without pumping of maximum of 3 hours can hurt your milk supply.

Phew~ sounds like a lot of work doesn`t it? With motivation and always thinking positive can help you along the way. I remember a dear friend told me that doa, usaha, sabar and istiqamah goes hand-in-hand in breastfeeding. There is a lot of challanges. But if you want the best for your baby there will be trials and challanges ahead. And always remember that each milk that you obtain while pumping or feeding session is a gift in form of rezeki from Allah, through you, for your baby. Yakin lah that breast is indeed best 🙂

And how you may ask Shaklee helps?
Shaklee helps to increase and improve texture, colour, quality and quantity of breastmilk. To know more please WhatsApp at +673 8660989 for prompt response

Or WhatsApp to check out our latest Shaklee promo

Best Regards
21st Century Momma