Month: September 2014

Momma’s Liquid Gold – The Liquid Gold Factory


Back in the day, when I first had my first child in 2006, I was not fully-aware on the benefits of Breastfeeding. I did not understand the concept how my body could produce milk or why was my body producing milk. My mother had C-Section and believed that she could not breastfeed because she had Masititas (or known as Milk Fever) that she stopped breastfeeding because of the swelling. And same goes with the other pregnancies, assuming that colostrum was not enough to feed my brother and sister due to it’s small quantity.


My first impression of breastfeeding before was:


1. It’s gotta be in the DNA:
My thoughts were that, if your mother could breastfeed, automatically the daughter will inherent the the good genes and will produce loads of milk.

2. The bigger the better:
For some reason my head kept on telling me that the bigger the size of the bosoms the larger quantity of milk. Soon I learned that breastsfeeding comes in all shapes and sizes. And that there is no specific criteria on what ‘type’ of breast that could produce milk.

3. For ever flowing:
When I first managed to pumped my first drops of liquid that only reached less than 1oz I had mix feelings of both excited and dissappointment. I was excited the first time of seeing how my little frey body could produce something spectacular. But at the same time a bit dissapointed cause I was expecting that the ‘Mommas Tap’ will always be forever flowing. Little, after years to come, did I learned about the differance of Hind and foremilk. And the demand & supply theory.

4. Momma’s Milk Maid:
My first time breastfeeding I was not aware on the different posistioning of the baby during breastfeeding. And how to tell if baby is latching on properly. I assumed that you pop the baby on and baby will naturally catch the nipple. Phew~ if only it was as easy as a bed of roses. Hehe. Little did I know back then that healthy eating plays a crucial role too towards the production of milk. Like a saying ‘You Are What You Eat’. And eating some foods that may help boost the production of breastmilk naturally such as Oats, Fenugreek, Hot Soup and hot drinks plays a huge role with the milk ejaculation reflex. Later than I only knew that the real Milk Maid is the healthy level of hormones of Oxytoxin and Prolactin that helps with the production of milk and also the milk ejavulation reflex.


My Journey :
Sadly I was only able to breastfeed my first child less than one (1) month. However things change with my second child. My second child was born, I was inspired and motivated to breastfeed after seeing and hearing a testimonial from a good friend of mine after the birth of her first son. She inspired me a lot on her Journey to Breastfeeding (she is a busy bee mommy with her own business and still able to fully and exclusively breastfeed her Son). In 2010 and I had a lot of preparation in terms of research (online information especially from lactactions consultants who has blogs, websites or forums) and lots and lots of reading. (I find the book on ‘What to Expect when your expecting’ very useful) and other books. When I was 2 months pregnant, I already envision and set my mind to breastfeed. During my whole pregnancy I used that time to research all I could and prepared a checklist to bring with me during Labor.

21st Century Buzzzyyy Bee:
Being an employee and also a full-time mom, there were some challanges and trials and tribulations that I encoutered. Ranging from lack of moral support, decrease of milk production, fear of unable to fully & exclusively breastfeeding, proper location to express breastmilk at the workplace (at times I would express breastmilk in the female Surau) and the jobscope requires one to be at the desk manning calls and attending to customers inquires, I was not able to express my milk on the right time, thus the environment made me little stress and I encoutered a decrease in my milk production. Again, I was only able to breastfeed my second daughter at the age of 6 to 8 months. But before that, with my second child, she was mix feeding on both formula and direct feeding. I introduced to mix feeding when she was about four to five months due to the problem of low milk supply. But at the same time, I took supplementations to help boost my energy, balance my hormones and also to increase my milk production. (Each individual is unique to the responses of any product) It took me atleast several months to research on which product suits best for me and that is within me allocated budget. Many may say that supplements are not the way to go. But for me before you invest into anything, take the time to read, understand and take the time to know what is in the product that may make a differance to you and your body. And alhamdulilah, I decided a brand that works for me and I have been using that very brand till today. Because I see it’s potential, experience the differance myself and also feel the results everyday.

Not an End but The very Begining:
I am not sad to have felt and experience all the hardships, challanges or trials and tribulations. But I thank Allah, without these obstacles I will not be able to fully understand the importance of Breastfeeding and I will not be able to understand the very reason why I choose to breastfeed.Even though I did not able to complete the breastfeedinng term of two (2) years. It is not an end here, but the very begining of opening a new door. There are chances for me fully breastfeed in the future. With the knowledge that I have equipped myself, insyAllah may I shall share and educate my girls on the importance of breastfeeding. Praying that my daughters will breastfeed their children and may their children’s Children continue that cycle.

Now some of you may inquire if breastfeeding is right for you and your child? Or if your formula milk contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals as been labeled by expensive marketing. I would say, listen to your heart, if you have any doubts or concern to contact the nearest lactation consultant near you and don’t be shy to raise your concerns. They are there to help you. Create your own timeline (breastfeeding should be taken one step at a time) and checklist, prepare on what you really need, your essentials such as fresh, clean water, healthy choices of snacks such as yogurat, oats, fresh fruits and veggies, a good quality breastpump, milk storages (bags or bottles) and many more.

Momma’s Liquid Gold. The precious liquid for your little one can not be replaced by artificial supplements.

Until we then…toodles….

Much Love:
21st Century Momma

From Mothers to Mothers – Momma’s Liquid Gold


Its been a while since my last post. But hopefully my latest post will be an interesting one. Mommies now, the 21st Century Modern Mommies now are aware on the benefits of breastfeeding exclusively for 6 months and more. The benefits for both mother child. From the bonding, the skin-to-skin contact, the latching, the suckling down to the nutritents in momma’s liquid gold. With the implentation of awareness sessions and knowledge sharing conducted in Brunei Government Health Care and the encouragement given by medical professionals such as Midwives, Lactations and doctors. And Alhamdulilah, Brunei Darussalam is very lucky to have a very caring Sultan that emphasis on the importance of Breastfeeding that His Majesty has granted working mothers a longer maternity leave from fifty six (56) days to one hundred and five days (105) days to ensure that both babies enjoy the benefits of breastmilk and for mommies to give full attention to breastfeeding their babies and to giving mommies ample time to stock-up on breastmilk before mommy returns to work. Here is an article from: The Brunei Times on longer maternity leave.

Mommies today are very lucky to have this opportunity given. Am very Jelly. Hehe. As I have not yet experience my one hundred and five (105) day leave. My youngest daughter was born after a few month of His Majesty’s Titah. But insyAllah, hope to be able to experience one day.


I was thinking just the other day, if there was a more regular sessions where mommies can exchange knowledge and gain new tips and tricks with breastfeeding. As the younger generations are still weighing the pros amd cons between the battle of ‘Naturally’ breastfeeding or feeding with formula milk (as my sister is currently with her second pregnancy and has doubts if she is able to breastfeed. Coz her first pregnancy was not a success) Alhamdulilah, I feel very honoured to be a apart of an event that was organized by our very own local youth from Universiti Brunei Darussalam. These three (3) ladies will be our future examples. And hoping that other youth will be as excited to take the iniative to spread the awareness of Breastfeeding.



From left:
Nur Maajidah bte Hj Abd Rahman
Alicia Poh Wan Yan
Wendy Yap Hui Li
3rd Year Medical Students from PAPRSB Institute of Health Science Universiti Brunei Darussalam.

With the collaboration with:
Maternal & Child Health Clinic Pengiran Anak Puteri Hajah Muta-Wakillah Hayatul Bolkiah Health Centre, Rimba
Dot Dot Little Shop
Brunei Breastfeeding Mother-To-Mother Support Group, Ministry of Health

The topics in this session is very eye-opening and spark an interest to me. And I hope that it sparked an interest to news mommies and rekindle that spark to exsisting mommies to help motivate mommies that breast is BEST.

Topics and experienced shared from:
Working mums and Mommies from Home. Attended where majority of first time mums.
Topics discussed on:
1) Challanges of Breastfeeding
2) Importance of Support from Spouse (Husbands) and daddies-to-be
3) Cultural Aspects (such as if mother dis not breastfed then daughter will not be able to produce enough milk.
4) Worries on mommies not producing enought milk.
5) When to introduce weaning & solid foods.
6) Last alternative, Formula Milk to help increase baby weight? Yay or Nay?

Below are some photos from the session.



A session condcuted by the MCH nurses (Ms Dinah and Ms Azizah) on the different posistions mommies may used to breastfeed their babies.


A close up of me and my family. And our very own local entreprenuer, the first Brunei online breastfeeding shop, Dot Dots Little Shop.


Hand-out given to guests. Very cute and attractive to read. And the gift was very nice. Now I have my very own Nursing Cover from MInistry of Health.


Thank you to the Nurses for the on-site support to share with mommies on the posistions on Breastfeeding.




Our speakers for the day, from the left:
Dk Dr Nurolaini bte Pg Haji Muhd Kifli & Dr Suwarni who also shared with the audience on her experience on Breastfeeding a premature baby. Her story really inspired me. Coz no matter the challges up ahead. Mommas Milk is the best.


Hoping that mommies has learned and benifit a thing or two on breastfeedings. And looking forward to another workshop or forum to be held on a regular basis.

And wishing these lovely three ladies all the best in their studies and hoping that they will become future role models for the generation today who will breastfeed their little ones and will spread the message of breastfeeding for the future generations to come.


Much Love:
Sarah Amanina Hj Ahmad
21st Century Momma
+673 8660989

Breastfeeding: let’s talk more about mom’s health

This is an interesting post and many has thought that Breastfeeding was ancient history. But when come to think of it. Breastfeeding has its benefits in long-term especially for babies first year and years to come. Significance decrease in Non-contagious Diseases such as Diabetes, Cancer, High Blood-Pressure and Cardiovascular dieases.

Coffee break Science

A couple of days ago, I listened to a TEDMED 2014 talk by Eleanor Bimla Schwarz, director of the Women’s Health Services Research Unit at the University of Pittsburgh. The point of her talk was to raise awareness about the fact that breastfeeding may be a good thing for the long-term health of mothers and that adequate support should be more widespread (be it support at time of delivery in hospitals or longer maternity leaves).

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