Month: December 2013

Unleash your inner beast

Year 2013 is almost up. Have you thought of your new year’s resolution?

One of my new year resolution is to lose as much weight and managing my weight. We all know that gaining weight is super easy. But losing weight and shedding of those stubborn fats is the hardest. It takes a lot of body movement, sweat & pain (especially from foods that are high in sugar & carbohydrates such as rice & bread) How to do that when mommies in this century are working mommies & being full-time mommies 24/7. Phew~ sounds like we need a super pill to help us get through the day. After much researched. I decided to do something outside my comfort zone (something that am not used to and never imagined doing) hahaha, coz I was concern how this role would have an impact on my image as the domestic care-taker. But am glad I did. Its challaging and at the same time high-intensity workout. I joined Ladies KickBoxing at ADN MMA Fitness Gym (which I mentioned in my previous post) At first I wanted to see what it was like and signed up for the trial class (which is free for 1 class only). And I feel in love with the sport. It was different from Zumba, Spinning classes and other aero / dance classes. It was high-intensity and it made you sweat like mad. Above all, the environment is very friendly, the moment you step into the gym you feel the spirit of making a change (I get that feeling everytime I step foot into the gym.) And the coaches are super friendly and very supportive. Their training styles keeps you motivated, which makes you wanna go outside your comfort zone and do more, do better, punch and kick harder. Their classes are 1 hour for each class. But within that 1 hour you will feel yourself burning from top to bottom. All the way from your roota to your totter. Haha.

They offer Muay Thai, Taekwondo, Kickboxing for children as young as 4 years and open kickboxing class. Dropby to say hey at Cities Square, Level 1 or watch how to classes are done. Plussss, there is an offer for December 2013. Innit awesome?


21st Century Momma