Month: December 2014

5 Things To Do before 2015


Just a few more days we will say goodbye to 2014 and say hello to 2015. The year 2014 has been a bitter-sweet journey and memory. A lot has come to past, but a lot more to offer in 2015. What do you wish, wait not wished, but ‘WANT and NEED’ to achieve in 2015. But you have writer’s block and not sure where to start?Here are 5 things to do before 2015:-

1. Targets

  • Identifying what are our targets and goals can takes us to another level. This acts as your base before stepping up on the ladder.

2. Planning

  • Once you identify and differentiate what you WANT and what you NEED, you will be able to prioritize your tasks on which needs your attention first. Having a project timeline can help you at the starting line and you can have a visual to where your finishing line is.

3.  Change

  • Change can be scary, only when we step outside our comfort zone, will we be able to see where our true strength lies. We will find our potential, be it communication skills, leadership skills, creativity or even self-confidence. Embrace the change, it can take you to places you can never imagine.

4. Imagination

  • Every night before you sleep, visualize what your heart desires and how you want your business to prosper. Our sub-conscious mind is more powerful than we think. Our thoughts are like our doa (prayers). Let us pray that what ever we set our minds get the blessings and baraakah of Allah S.W.T.

5. Charity (Sedeqah)

  • No matter where we are in life, let us never forget those who are less fortunate. Let us help those who are in need no matter where they are, young or old.

I pray that the year 2015 will bring positive energy, prosperity, happiness and most of all, the blessings and baraakah from Allah S.W.T in whatever that we do.

Much  love


21st Century Momma


WhatsApp | Telegram: 8660989 | 7251442

Wonders of Momma’s Milk Factory


Am sooo happy that Shaklee has helped my little sissy (not so little anymore, she has 2 children. Hoho) to acheive her dreams of exclusivly breastfeeding her son who is now 2 months plus (but she is size of a 6 month year old. (He is now wearing clothes of 6 months)


Meet little Muhammad Adi Syukran. This is him a few months ago.


This i him a few weeks ago.


This is him a few days ago.

Muhammad Adi Syukran was born Emergency C-Sec, as he had a weak heart beat after few hours of labor. And when he was born he was in SCUBU for 1 week with Oxygen. And now he is a healthy bouncy baby. Thanks to the wonders of Momma’s milk and goodness of Shaklee.


Look forward to hearing from you.


Much Love,
21st Century Momma
8660989 | 7251142

3 Reasons Why You Need To Get Our Beauty & The Skin Package

Everybody loves the idea of flawless and healthy skin. Skin that is glowing, radient and shinning is a reflection of being healthy on the insides.

3 Reasons Why You Need To Get Our Beauty & The Skin Set:-

1. Save Up to 35% on a complete set that can last up to 1-3 months consumption.

2. Healthy and Glowing Skin with our tips and tricks during consultation upon purchase. Pssst~ we shall share with you on how to fully utilize your set. No more expensive treatment at the SPA. You can do you very own SPA treatment in the comfort of your own home.

3. We offer MP and Deliveries services during Weekends (Saturday & Sunday).

For more details please WhatsApp or Telegram to +673 8660989 or +673 7251442.


Lotssa Love ❤
21st Century Momma

Snow White’s Secret


Wondered how Lady Snow White has skin as fair as snow? You don’t need to spend thousands at the SPA or whitening treatment. You can look to nature.

There are many whitening agents found today ranging from beauty products in creams or facial masks to cosmetics such as foundations, concelars and Make-Up. To even coffee and chocolaye beverages. But miliion dollar question is which type of Collagen is easily absorbed by the body and easily digested by the body?


Yup thats right folks! Its Shaklee Collagen. In just as little as one (1) month you can see the differance (depending on skin type and condition)





Say goodbye to pins and needles. And say hellow to the new B-E-A-U-T-Y-F-U-L-L you. Don’t miss out our special offer till end of December.


Feel free to WhatsApp | Telegram:- +673 8660989 or +673 7251442


Best Regards
21st Century Momma

3 Reasons Why Shaklee ESP for you


I loved Shaklee ESP from the moment I had my first cuppa. I could feel the differance before and after. I remembered my first time I experiemented with Shaklee ESP. I was able to update my blog from the evening till 3.30am in the morning. (This was the first time when my blog was up and running)


Here is a brief information on Shaklee ESP:-

* ESP Soy Protein Isolated Powder
Shaklee ESP powder is a good source of soy protein.
* ESP provides 14 grams of high quality non-GMO soy protein with all
the amino acids, including the nine essential amino acids your body needs for protein synthesis. Unlike protein from meat, eggs and dairy, ESP is naturally low in fat. It is also lactose and cholesterol free.

Shaklee ESP (Energy Soy Protien):-
* Provides sustained energy and helps ward off hunger because it provides a constant source of energy.
* Soy protein helps to reduce cholesterol.
* Contains five essential B vitamins, half the Daily Value for calcium, and soy isoflavones. Studies have shown
that soy helps regulate hormonal balance during the transitional period of menopause.
* This non-GMO soy protein is produced under an Identity
Preservation Program (IPP), which means that the
soybeans are tightly monitored and controlled from
planting through processing.


Here are some of the real-time testimonials:-


Here is a testimonial from my sister. She has been consuming Shaklee since she was expecting her second child. And used Shaklee till her confinement period till now:-

Benefits for mommy:-
1. Breastmilk more ‘Meriah’. Breasts akan rasa fully-engorged before reaching 2-hour mark.
2. In a single pump, for both breasts can reach 5oz or more.
3. Skin complextion adik more fl glowing and shining secara natural.

Benefits for baby:-
1. Baby lahir 3kg. Kini baby 2 months plus dah mula pakai baju 3 months and above sebab berat badan nah naik 5kg. Itu pun baju nah ngam-ngam. Hehe.
2. Baby poo-poo dan wee-wee makin meriah. Tiap kali breastfeed ada Bomb landing semula jadi. Hehe.
3. Ibu dapat sampaikan breastfeed on demand with milk supply yang awesome.

Looking for an alternative to increasing breastmilk. Come and try Shaklee.


Best Regards
21st Century Momma
WA | TG: +673 8660989 | +673 7251442


The 7 things to do after your wake up


Ever since I was small, I have this liking to the number 7. Not because of the lucky charm that was always associated to the number 7 (or any other number for that) but it had a sense of belonging to me (if that makes any sense) huhu. Notice how people are attached to numbers? Weird uh? I for one is a person who dislike ‘Maths’ from Primary School up to High-School, I have never liked Maths. Until I reached College. I had to LIKE maths because it was part of our syllabus and one of our Core Modules. haha. I remember brainwashing my own mind by saying ‘I Love Maths’… positive thinking really does makes a difference. I remembered I had to study day and night for my finals. Taking little breaks in-between and studying full-blast on my numbers. Now I bet you’ll what is the number 7 got to do after waking up.

Here it is folks! Despite still disliking maths. I have found a app (which is available) on Android on 7 things you can do everyday after you wake up that helps to keep you energetic and at the same time lose those fats (muffin top and love handles) with the 7 Minute App.

 The 7 minute workout is to cater for those who are always on the Run. Like I… From the moment we wake up till the moment we sleep. There are times where I cannot even remember if I have shampo0-ed my hair so I had to shampoo it twice. (That’s how exhausted I felt) The traveling from 3 different districts and the long hours of endless meetings. Hitting the gym is not an option when you are too tired to drive anymore. huhu. But double thumbs up for those who created this marvellous App. The App consists of HIIT (High-Intensive workouts) You do not require anything heavy. Just a chair or even stairs :p

The workouts included as below:-


The best thing is you can customize according to the workouts that you fancy. I cannot wait to see how it feels to experiment with this App. But I gotta remember to take my Supplements to keep energy level up and to make sure that I am well hydrated.


The Ultimate Pure Energy Beast Set:-

ESP : 1 Scoop

Chinch : 1 scoop

Performance Drink: 1 scoop

Vitalea : 1 tab

1-2 Liters of water ( 2 big bottles or 5 small bottles)

Share with us how you keep your energy levels u through out the day.


Best Regards,

21st Century Momma

+673 8660989 | +673 7251442


Real-Time Testimonials of 2014


Just a few more days we will be stepping in the year of 2015. The BIG 20-15… for those who wanted to know more on how Shaklee made a differance in a lil’old town in Brunei.
Below I’ll be sharing some of the real-time testimonials on how Shaklee made a differance to people’s lives:-











Here is just a few of the testimonials that I have. For more juicy details head down to our FaceBook Album. We will be sharing lots more from there. Want to be apart of the Shaklee Effect? Come and join the green team.



To find out more WhatsApp to our 24/7 Hotline at +673 7251442.

Best Regards
21st Century Momma

Bye Bye Skin Problems


In my latest post: I have shared on this little magic cream that I carry everywhere in my purse. I have used Shaklee Herbal Blend for many occasions and situations. Here are some on my list on usage of Shaklee Herbal Blend:- 1) Moisturizer 2) Treatment of acne 3) Rough and dry skin especially around the feet and hands 4) Dandruff (dry and problematic scalp) 4) eczema and skin rashes on both my girls.

This is a must have for all first-aid box in the house and one more in the cupboard for all purposes. Check-out a poster that I have shared below.


Here is a little info on Shaklee Basic H:-

Basic H2™ Organic Super Cleaning Concentrate

The Nontoxic, Natural Way to Clean

Product Code:00015 (473ml)

The Nontoxic, Natural Way to Clean

An unbelievable amount of super-safe, really powerful grease-busting clean comes out of these bottles of double concentrated Basic H² Organic Super Cleaning Concentrate. Basic H2 has thousands of uses like cleaning up: spilled milk, bug guts on the window or even the barbecue grill grunge. Now that’s only three out of 997. We challenge you to try these and the many other uses!.

Just One Cleaning Product For Thousands Of Household Jobs

  • Ultra-concentrated: 16 ounces makes 48 gallons of super powerful cleaner.
  • Versatile cleaner: removes dirt, grease, and grime from any washable surface, inside and out.
  • Cuts through the most stubborn grease and grime, leaving no smeary residue.
  • Twice as concentrated as original Basic H² – just use half as much.
  • No rinse, no residue, streak-free formula.

Use On Any Washable Surface – Indoor Or Out

  • Walls, Windows and mirrors.
  • Countertops, tiles, and floors.
  • Appliances
  • Stoves
  • Woodwork
  • Pots and pans
  • Furniture (Not intended for use in aquariums or windshield washer reservoirs.)

Directions For Best Results

Kitchen, appliances, furniture, woodwork fixtures, walls, stainless steel, sealed granite, marble, and bathrooms

  • 1⁄4 teaspoon + 16 oz. of water in a Get Clean Spray Bottle

Pots and pans

  • 1⁄2 teaspoon + 1 gallon of warm water

Windows and mirrors

  • 1-2 drops + 16 oz. of water in a Get Clean Spray Bottle


  • 1 tablespoon + 1 gallon of Water

Woolens, nylons, and fine fabrics

  • 1⁄2 teaspoon to a basin of lukewarm water

Did You Know?

  • Many all-purpose cleaners may contain toxins that can be absorbed through the skin or inhaled.
  • Synthetic solvents may cause hormone disruptions.
  • Organic solvents such as butyl cellosolve are neurotoxins and nasal irritants.
  • Another toxin, morpholine, can cause liver or kidney damage.
  • Glass cleaners contain ammonia, a poison that can irritate skin, eyes, and the respiratory system.

Basic H2 Does Not Contain These Or Other Hazardous Ingredients
The Shaklee Difference


  • Nontoxic
  • No toxic fumes
  • No hazardous chemicals
  • Fragrance free
  • Mild on your hands
  • pH balanced
  • No chlorine


  • Tough on grease. Ultra-concentrated: 16 oz. makes 48 gallons.


  • Natural sustainably sourced ingredients (derived from corn and coconuts)
  • Biodegradable
  • No phosphates
  • Recyclable packaging
  • No dyes
  • Safe for septic systems and gray water

Information above extracted from:

In the testimonial poster above, meet my cute little nephew, Muhammad Adi Syukran, only 2 months old. The crusty formation growth within few weeks after first encounter with the affected skin, spreading from his forehead to his ears and scalp. He was referred to skin specialist and the specialist could not find the actual cause of the ‘fungal infection’ (they called it fungal because the crusty formation on the skin was literally dark green in colour). After suggesting my sister to try our Shaklee Basic H and Herbal Blend (and minimal usage of antibiotic ointment) the crusty formation and the mild eczema slowly faded.

For those in Malaysia who wish to purchase (with door to door delivery) please visit the following link below:-

If you have a story to share with us.We are looking forward to hearing from you. Contact us via email at

Much Love,

21st Century Momma


The Magic Cream


Is there any such thing as a magic cream? In the past, I have used a lot and different types of lotions, facial creams and cover-ups with foundation, concealer and even tried bleaching (only later to find out that some cosmetics and beauty products are using bleaching, even it is not stated on the label, they may substitute with a different name to mask it’s real name and real purpose). Products ranging from cheap, affordable to even crazy expensive. Some had small and minimal effect that only lasted for a short period of time. Whiles others had no effect at all.

Frustrated as it seems. I was on the verge of pulling my hair out, with the break-outs that I encountered and being stressed and tired most of the time did not help my skin at all. On the verge of losing hope with the acne scars and also new raw acne that was forming. Came Shaklee into the picture like a magic potion.

Shaklee Herbal Blend Image 01

Shaklee Herbal Blend

Herbal Blend® Multi-Purpose Cream

  • Clinically tested, soothing cream softens even hard, calloused skin on knees, elbows and feet
  • Cooling, mentholated, non-greasy
  • Made from pure extracts of natural, soothing herbs including sage, horse chestnut, yarrow and rosemary

For more information on Shaklee Products available in Malaysia

You look different than yesterday and the day before..

I know it seems crazy, but you wouldn’t believe the experiment that I have tried with Shaklee Herbal Blend,  within 48 hours, I have applied Herbal Blend on both of my cheeks twice a day and I have noticed changes on my skin condition till my colleague from Japan inquired what product that I used, coz my cheeks were smoother and radiant.  Thanks to this wondrous ‘magic mult-purpose’ cream, hehe now I am trading beauty tips and secrets with Japanese :p

Stay tuned for more real-life testimonials on Herbal Blend. Psssttt~ for more tips and tricks on radiant skin, I personally used Shaklee Collagen, Vitamin E, Sustain Release Vitamin C, Alfalfa and ESP. Watch out for the next post.


Thank You and good evening folks!

Best Regards

21st Century Momma
